Saturday, November 26, 2011

Cruise Quilt is a FLIMSY!

This is the quilt we started on the August Caribbean cruise with Bonnie.  I'm so happy with how it's turned out.  I made it larger than Bonnie's pattern, it's about 6 feet by 7 feet with the borders.  Now I just have to sandwich it and quilt it.  Bonnie called this pattern, Mai Tai's in Paradise.

Now looking at it in a photo, versus close up on my design wall, I see other patterns.  The little 2 inch squares seem to have little trails at random points across the quilt.  I like it!!  Now I'll know when I do this pattern again, to make all those squares a dark colour to stand out for the secondary pattern.

I wished I'd had a better way to photograph/display this, but having Jim's friend and I hold it while Jim took the picture, outside, was our only option... and I'm too short!!  LOL

It's so colourful... and I swear there are at least 100 different fabrics in it.  Some from my stash, some from the charm squares Bonnie supplied in our kits, and others from the "stash table" we had set up in the sewing room.

There are cartoon puppies, cartoon cows, pictures of golden retriever pups playing in grass, pictures of skunks, golf balls and tees, flowers, black cat silouettes dancing along a musical staff, sun/moon/stars, cartoony doggie bowls with bones, antique bicycles, something burgundy with Texas A&M 12th Man fabric and even some red and blue stars on a white background to remind me this was made with many US friends we made on the cruise. 

I love looking at all the colours playing together, and it will continue to bring back fond memories for years to come.

Thank you Bonnie!


  1. Oh Laurie, What a gorgeous quilt that's going to be. You're so lucky to have been on a cruise w/Bonnie. Good luck on your progress......

  2. Your Caribbean cruise flimsy just shimmers with movement. I wonder what you will name this quilt?
    Congratulations on this one and welcome aboard to the Orca Bay adventure!

  3. YAY! It looks great! Congratulations! I'm still working on mine. I think I might deviate from the original and set mine square, rather than on-point. Someone else did that and I really liked how it looked.

  4. Beautiful quilt and I like you have problems taking awesome quilt pictures. I am a new follower & hope to come back often. Please stop by my blog and say hello and enter my giveaway just leave a comment:

  5. Wow! What a great mix of fabrics! I bet that was fun to make


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