Waking up this morning to see it snowing.. after a few days of mild temperatures that melted almost all the snow we had left... actually got me excited! My first thoughts? ... I can do another batch of snow dyeing! Sick, I know... after being so tired of winter... but this technique works best with snow.
I put my pans out in the back yard on the barbeque to collect snow. Unfortunately, after about 3 hours, the amount I'd seen accumulating earlier had started to melt. The weather was forecast to turn mild, 3 degrees and rain.
Crap... I had to move fast.
The fabrics had already been pre-soaked in the soda ash water. Now to get enough snow in the house to fill the 3 pans. I'll tell you, there was more than enough on top of the suv to fill the pans. I'm sure the neighbor would have been delighted if I'd taken the snow off his car as well. :) Anyone seeing me, scooping snow off my truck with a dust pan and putting it in a bucket to take INTO the house would have thought I was nuts! hehehe
So, I now have 3 more batches sitting in the laundry room melting. This time I did 2 yards in each pan.
Tomorrow morning can't come soon enough to see the results.
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